Revolutionize Weather Apps through WeatherKit and more

Elton Nallbati
2 min readJun 16, 2022


As I predicted last year, check out my previous article: Why do weather apps need to evolve? weather apps needed an evolution.

In fact this year Apple introduced WeatherKit on iOS 16 and has done very well. Now the ball goes to the developers where they will not only have to start using the new framework but in my opinion they will also have to start optimizing the entire line of their weather products if they want to survive.

New Weather App on iOS 16

Apple’s Weather app will be further enhanced with the introduction of iOS 16, taking it to the next level. This will necessarily result in the weather app market having a higher level to compete.

On the other hand, we in LionsApp already predicted this trend last year and we have more than a year working on it.

AI Weather Bot
AI Weather Bot

As we promised, we update you on our upcoming AI Weather Bot project. The app is ready to be ordered from the App Store:

AI Weather Bot
AI Weather Bot

In a future article we will explain what we believe the weather market is still missing, thus explaining our intentions on the AI Weather Bot app and thus further advancing future forecasts by one year.

Thanks for reading and see you next time.

